Our policies

privacy policies

Information Collection: The policy will detail the types of information collected, which can include personal data (carbikecompany, support@carbikecompany.com), device information, and more.

Use of Information: It will explain how the company uses the collected data, such as processing orders, providing customer support, improving products, and marketing.

Data Sharing: This section outlines who the company may share your information with. This can include third-party service providers, partners, or government authorities in compliance with the law.

Data Protection: Information about how your data is safeguarded, which may include encryption, secure servers, and other security measures.

Cookies and Tracking: Explanation of the use of cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies for tracking user behavior and preferences on their website.

User Rights: Details about the rights users have regarding their personal information, such as the right to access, rectify, or delete their data.

Consent and Opt-Out: Information about how users can provide or withdraw consent for data processing and marketing communications.

Data Retention: Information about how long the company retains user data and the reasons for doing so.

International Data Transfers: If the company operates internationally, it may explain how data is transferred across borders and the protections in place.

Updates to the Privacy Policy: A statement that the company may update the policy from time to time, and how they will inform users of these changes.

Contact Information: Contact details for the company or a designated data protection officer for questions or concerns related to privacy.

Children’s Privacy: Information about whether the company’s services are intended for children and how they handle the data of children under the legal age.

Compliance with Data Protection Laws: Statements regarding the company’s commitment to complying with relevant data protection laws, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in Europe or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) in California.